
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Villager Bought 3 Advices From The Desert Man

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

(Muhammad Zaherudin Bhati)


The villager asked strangely “You sell advise”? The villager asked him disbelief “for how much do you sell one advice for? A camel each answering old man.

The villager lowered his head upon hearing this and thought for a while about the odd price of each advice and finally made up his mind that he will definitely buy an advice, no matter what the cost is.


It is said that hard times be fell a villager, so he decided to live in a far-away place because he hoped that he would get necessities of life. Therefore, he forsakes of his house and wife is left his village towards a far off city. He traveled through a desert and finally reached his destination. There he met a wealthy man and complained about his financial problems. That wealthy man welcomed him whole-heartedly and when that villager had spent three days at his place, he offered him a job. At night he has supposed to graze his cattle and at night serves his guest. In reward he will be a share in his cattle. The villager accepted his offer and started working for him. 15 years past by in this struggle, now that villager badly started missing his home, family and friends. He discussed his state with the rich man, stating that he wants to return back home, and now this prolonged separation is unbearable for him. The rich man, upon hearing this became upset as the villager was a loyal and truth worthy servant. However, he did not find it suitable to make him stay any further, so he not only permitted him to return back his village but bade him farewell by presenting many cattle farms, animals along with prayers of well-being. .Now this villager set his journey back home on the way he came across a desert. Travelling a long distance he viewed a strange scene elderly man was sitting in his empty tent, this tent sheltered him for the scorching heat of the sun. The villager greeted this old man who offered him to take rest in his tent. He also offered him dates and drinks which he humbly accepted. The villager enquired the old man his means of living and found out that he was a trader/ salesman, upon hearing this the villager astonish asked what do you trade? And where is your stuff. I sale advises, the old man replied. You sell advice? The villager asked him disbelief “for how much do you sell one advice for? A camel each; answering old man.

The villager lowered his head upon hearing this and thought for a while about the odd price of each advice and finally made up his mind that he will definitely buy an advice, no matter what the cost is. He requested to the old man to share his advice with him and he will give him one of his camels; in which the old man advice “when shining star rise do not be ignorant of the storm”. The villager reflected upon this advice and thought himself what’s this connection of this stars with me in this terrifying desert and how will this help me under these circumstances. After a long thought he said to himself, “this advice is useless for me, hence I will buy another one compensate for its loss”. The first one was of no use and now I have to loss one of my camel. He then asked the old man for another advice, who replied “never trust that man whose eyes sparkle and there is a gap in between his teeth.” Now the villager pondered over the second advice and yet found no significance. He again requested the old man to give him a third advice and he will give him the third camel. The old man said “sleep after regretting but do not sleep after murdering.” Now, the villager deemed the third advice useless and unreasonable too yet he offered him the third camel to set on his journey towards his destination. His cattle were along with him and he was headed towards the direction of his village. For days the villager travelled in the desert he had to go through rough times and the scorching heat of the desert made him so exhausted that he forgot the three costly advices given to him by that old man. Finally, one night he reached some people resting in a tent who showed hospitality towards the villager offered him food and grass for his cattle. He spent the night with them, and only while he was observing the stars in the dark sky, he detected a shining star. He nervously stood up and awoke up the people in the tent and told them about the advice of the old man. He requested them to leave the lower ground and move to a higher, safer place (the mountain), but these man did not pay heed to his warning rather they all made fun of him and called him dumb or a fool. Upon hearing this, the villager assured them that I earned this advice at the cost of a camel, therefore he will not stay on this lower ground and so taking his cattle he moved on to a mountain. That night, a devastating storm drowned the people residing in the tent and did not leave behind any trace of them or any other thing. Here, this villager upon seeing this realized the importance of the old man advice and carried on towards his village.

On the way he seen a light coming from far of, in the pitch dark night this light seemed like a blessing and he started walking in its direction. When he reached that place he came across a shiny thin agile man who was living in a huge house. That man unwillingly welcomed the old man. This act of the old man made the villager suspicious and when he carefully examined his face and he found out that this man had sparkling eyes and gap between his teeth, seeing this he recalled the second advice the old man and he realized he had warned him of this particular man, as has all the attributes that he had mentioned. The villager refused to sleep in his house and choose to sleep outside with his cattle. He felt threaten by his host and could not sleep. He was very cautions and watchful of that man. At night the villager stood up and kept stones close to his pillow and covered them up with his sheet so that the host believes it was him sleeping under it and he stood far off. 

Now, the host crept out of his house on his knees carrying a sword with him. Assuming that it was the villager sleeping under the sheet he stroked him with his sword but it touches the stones instead. The villager hastily grabbed the host from the back and snatched his sword and started that he had bought this advice it high price of one camel saying that he left that place taking his cattle along and finally reached his village.

He reached his village at night. When he looked over the wall he saw his wife was sleeping peacefully and a strong young man with long hair is sleeping on the bed next to her. He took his sword out with anger intended to kill both but he remembered old man’s advice and he became relaxed and took control of himself. He went out of the village and slept with his camels, sheep and goats. After Fajar prayer People found that he came back so they welcomed him. Then they started telling him about the important events which happened during his long absence, they told him that his wife was pregnant when he left, then she gave birth to a baby boy which is now a very strong young man, who is taking good care of his mother. Now he realized that the man he saw at night was his own son. He thanked to Allah (سبحانہ تعالی) for all his blessings and showed happiness over the birth if his son and happy about that he is strong young man.  He thought how great that advice was although every advice was precious in its place and costing than the camel.


This story the characters and the events described in this story strongly show the importance advice. We should advice our children to pay attention listen to their parents and elders. They should listen carefully to seniors, teachers and the intelluct of society. They should they think about them and act accordingly importance of advice. If anyone ask to assess the teaching of Islam in a sentence may be he will not be able to answer but Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) described it in sentence saying “Deen-Islam is to basically an advice”.


Importance of advice: If anyone said that he defines Islam in a sentence then what will he say. It is possible that he thinks and fails in telling his actual meaning but Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) was granted “rich words” Jawami-ul-Kalma. He defined Islam in a sentence “Islam is the name of to advice” he uttered 3 times Imam Taimim Osi (رضی اللہ عنہ) narrated when Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said Deen is all about to advice companion’s asked for whom He replied for Allah Almighty for his book, for his messenger for Muslim leaders and public.

I took oath of allegiance at the hand of Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ) on offering Salah, paying Zakat and to advice each and every Muslim.

Rules to do advice:

  • Be polite and gentle to whom you are advising
  • Without any harshness, rudeness
  • It should be silent and not loud and it should be in private
  • Be aware! Don’t advice in public because advising on the face in crowd will make the person you are advising rebellious and he will deny that truth and your advice will humiliate him. Quotation in Arabic: Advice in crowd is a source of humiliation, advice in crowd will lead to enmity and rivalries, and whenever our scholars and saint did advice to anyone they did in private. One of the Quotations of a saint, whenever anyone delivered any advice to other in private that is advice and the one who did in crowd him scolded him. Fuzail bin Ayaz said “Momin hides other faults whenever he advices but sinful, disobedient humiliates and speaks about the faults whenever he advices.


 Our ummah is in great need that the children must advice scholars, fathers and mothers. These should be facilitator of their kids. Our actual problem is that in our era parents are too much engrossed in earning and making their kids and those who have time they are not utilizing their precious hours in counseling their kids. Some parents are too much concerned about their kids have pure intentions and they want to give their time to their kids but they are unaware of skills and art for grooming listen and remember. To do advice for counseling is skill and to advice groom others is counted in very important therapy of grooming. If advice is given according to the need then they are really fruitful. On one side we have been given order to advice the society for their goods and on the other side we have ask to advice our children. Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said “every person on whom Allah has made guardian of people and he does not advice the people for their good then he will not smell the fragrance of the Jannat (Heaven)” (Bukhari). Our sons and daughters are our subject in our house. So they are dependent to our advice, more than the food. They are waiting for food that we will put food for their stomach otherwise they are waiting for the love in our hearts we shower it on them. Our condition should be such that there should be knowledge, heedfulness in our mind and advice, guidance on our tongue. O’ kind father you should be aware that your child is specially wait to listen word of love from us. One devoted advice from a kind father is more effective then 100 advices given by any other person، because father advices from parental love and has the heat of gratitude in it. Same as O’ mother you advice for your children with the parental affection and softness in it this is most effective. Grooming Researchers said that in my opinion parents can do grooming of their children by 3 different ways, following are

  • Via stories: stories has great impact on elders and younger because stories appeal the listeners and sow seeds of good deeds. The biggest evidence for that is Quran majeed, so many stories are mentioned in it. Even one whole Surah name is “Surah Qasas”,Surah of stories. Allah Almighty said about the effectiveness of stories on soul is these words. There is a reason for the wise people in the stories of previous people; these are not crafted things but testifying the previous testaments and details for each thing and guidance and blessing for Momins. (Surah Yousaf 111) so many stories are mentioned in Hadiths, used for the grooming purpose for Sahaba [companion of Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)] and Muslims and Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) narrated so many stories  of previous Messengers  and Saints for example that story of bare head, leaper and blind people, story of the most worshipper, Jareej and story of the 3 person took refuge in the cave and blocked by huge rock. These are told by Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) for the grooming and teaching of Muslims, no doubt Quranic stories are best then stories of Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). Stories have great impact on the people whether those are the stories of Messengers or Companions or the stories of Saints or true stories of life.
  • Counseling via conversation: the procedure is that, father should accompany his children ask questions and children will give answer; same should be adopted by mother. She asks her children and children ask and mother replies.
  • Direct speech: the procedure is that we should advice children directly and guide them or stop them from doing wrong. Command for good and stopping from wrong should be done on the same time. The best example for this is the advice of Hazrat Luqman (علیہ السلام) to his son.
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